It’s Never Too Late to Start a Black Belt Journey

Cropped Photo of a person wearing a white tae kwon do uniform and a red belt

Recently here in our Cambridge tae kwon do school, we promoted seven students to red belt, ranging in age from 8 up to 35. They join some other students at that rank whose ages range up in to their 60s. The red belt is a significant way-point on the black belt journey. At our school it is the last tier before the step up to black belt.

All Ages

Some of these folks began that journey when they were only five years old. Others didn’t start until they were in their fifties. Some move quickly up that mountain because advancing in rank motivates them and keeps them energized. Others move more slowly, enjoying the journey and the health benefits of working out and studying a martial art without necessarily being focused on a goal.

But when you come to red belt, you are on the verge of taking one of life’s huge symbolic steps. These days, thanks to martial arts movies and millions of people practicing karate, aikido, taekwondo, and other martial arts, becoming a black belt is a well known rite of passage. Much is written about the black belt, but we don’t talk as much about the red belt.

Red Belt Symbolism

One story that is sometimes told about the red belt rank: The bright red was chosen on purpose to make the red belt students more conspicuous. This is one of the things a red belt must get used to before becoming a black belt. Other students will look up to them and look for a good example. In the middle ranks, a student can remain somewhat anonymous and hidden. With a bright red belt on one can no longer do so. It’s time to shine!

Another story that is told, is that the red belt is also a warning. The red says this person has all the power of a black belt, but not yet all the control. This final step before the black belt requires us to reflect on our journey and re-learn everything from the start. Techniques that were adequate to pass the green belt test, for example, should no longer be performed as if by a green belt. Now they must be performed as if by a black belt!

Crucial Stage on the Black Belt Journey

The red belt way-point on the black belt journey is also the best time to fix any last things that have never quite been right, when the drive toward perfection is peaking. Whether we need better speed, flexibility, balance, or strength, this is the time to level it up. As human beings, none of us are ever “perfect,” but the drive toward an ideal fuels self-transformation. The black belt itself is not what makes us different. It is the work done at the stage right before that which makes the change.

So, congratulations to all our newest red belts! The next step on your journey awaits!

Seven people ranging in age from 8 to 35, posing in white tae kwon do uniforms and new red belts.