The new schedule for June 2021 is similar to May, but with a few changes. Adults have a 12 noon class every day now. Kids class on Saturday morning is now open to ages 6 through 12.
Zoom schedule will stay the same as May, but June could be the last month that we keep this schedule? We know not everyone is vaccinated yet, and kids age 11 and younger still can’t get vaccinated at all. If you would like us to keep offering online/Zoom classes in July, please let us know! We’ll need to hear from you if there’s a need for it.
Summary of Changes:
No more reservations needed! Just sign in when you arrive.
We will still require masks until at least June 30.
Welcome back parents! No more waiting outside (unless you want to). Parents, family, and friends can come inside.
Zoom classes will go at least through June 30.
We will open daily M-F at 12 noon and have added an adult class every day.
Saturday’s morning kids class is now open to all ages from 6 years old to 12 years old.
We’re still not back to the pre-pandemic schedule, obviously, but this is a lot closer to our normal operations than we’ve had since March 2020. Next on the horizon, once more folks are vaccinated, will be re-introducing in-person group sparring classes and belt promotion tests! If the numbers keep plummeting as they are, look for an update in July!
Infection rates are finally coming DOWN in Cambridge, and all of our staff are now fully vaccinated. So we are thrilled to announce a new class schedule that should hopefully help with the problem that they were filling up to capacity too often!
In-person classes have expanded from 15 to 25 per week.
We will allow 12 students per class (instead of 10).
Reservations are still required! Please call the day before to reserve a slot.
If the class you want is already full when you call to reserve, you will be offered a priority slot in the next class of your choice.
Masks are still required.
Maintaining distance and temp checks are still
Changes in Forms Classes:
Forms classes are now either Zoom or in-person, not both.
Kids have In Person forms in designated slots Fridays (same as before)
Kids have Zoom Only forms in designated slots Thursdays 4-6pm.
Adults have in-person forms Tuesday 6pm (same as before)
Adults have Zoom Only forms Tuesday at 7pm.
An additional forms class for adults will be Monday 12 noon.
Other new classes to note:
Kids age 4-5 classes are offered three days a week
Kids ages 6-8 in-person class are offered four days a week.
Kids ages 9-12 in-person classes are offered five days a week, including a new class on Saturday mornings at 10AM.
Adults in-person is now every night at 6pm, plus some 7pm offerings.
Wednesday night 7pm is a special class for adult white belts and yellow stripes only.
Not shown on the schedule:
The kids Competition Team will continue to meet on Thursdays from 4pm to 6pm.
We will continue monitoring the restrictions from the City of Cambridge, infection rates, and advice from the CDC as we plan the class schedule for June, July, and August. We hope to soon be able to lift attendance restrictions.
Here’s how socially-distanced class attendance works:
You must have a class reservation to attend any in-person class.
Email or call to make a reservation. Make sure you get confirmation before you come.
You can reserve up to 1 full day in advance and, if there is still room, call right up until class time. If there is not room, you can sign up for a future day.
No more than 10 students per class.
Wait outside to enter. Mr. Hwang or another instructor will call you in.
Students enter one at a time. Each student will also have temperature taken and have hands sprayed with sanitizer.
Each student will then go to the numbered space on the workout floor they are assigned. These assigned spaces will make sure everyone stays distant from each other.
Face masks required!
Bring your own water bottle.
Locker rooms are closed, not available for use. So come already dressed for class.
Stay in your designated spot on the workout floor and do not cross others’ spaces.
and most important of all:
Do not come to class if you feel sick OR if you have been exposed to someone who may be sick. The most important thing we can do to prevent the spread is not to give the virus a chance to spread!
It’s hard to believe we just passed six months since the pandemic hit. In March 2020 all of Massachusetts was under “stay at home” orders and our hospitals were just starting to see the start of a surge of COVID-19 cases. With everyone stuck indoors, we reformatted the way we taught and began offering daily online classes live via Zoom, and pre-recorded via our Facebook group. Some former members living thousands of miles away even re-joined the school to take class with us virtually!
When Massachusetts allowed the re-opening for in-person instruction, we began to allow some in-person classes to take place with mandated restrictions- especially mask-wearing for all in attendance and maintaining distance by tape marks on the floor and modification of our usual class to prevent student contact. With a max capacity of 10 students, though, lately the classes have sometimes been full.
To handle the need for more slots, we will be expanding the schedule further, starting on October 12. We will be splitting kids classes in-person into 3 age groups–just like we did before the pandemic–and adult in-person classes will be moving to 6pm, also just like before the pandemic.
We’re not “back to normal,” but it’ll be a little closer to the way things used to be.
We’ll continue offering many Zoom-only classes, Zoom live stream of most in-person classes, and private lessons.
Phase 3 of the Massachusetts Re-opening from the pandemic is underway, and we have been given the green light to offer in-person classes again for all age groups.
To ensure maximum safety, the schedule is still limited to 1-2 classes per day, and each class is still limited to 10 people each.
Attendance Rules In order to offer classes in person, we must adhere to strict rules for health and safety. These rules are for adults and children.
Please read:
Only 10 students allowed per class.
Reserve a class spot by calling the school at 617-492-5070. You can also email, but calling is more reliable.
Only 1 class may be reserved at a time.
We will call or email to confirm class reservations. Do not come to class without a reservation.
Students must come dressed in uniform and wearing a face mask.
Students must maintain six foot distance from each other and instructors at all times. Each student will be assigned a designated spot in the workout area.
No waiting room access: no visitors without appointment.
Student should bring their own water bottle and keep it with them. Do not use the water fountain.
Parents/friends can not wait inside the school. At the end of class time, pick up should be done outside. Do not be late.
Parents should call front desk if they need to speak to Mr Hwang instead of coming inside the school: 617-492-5070
Students who are sick or experiencing respiratory symptoms, fever, or any other symptoms of COVID-19, or who have a household or family member experiencing symptoms, must NOT COME TO CLASS.
Online classes for the week starting March 30, 2020
Dear Members,
These are unprecedented times we are living through. Like all “non-essential” businesses in Cambridge, we were forced to close on March 21st by the city in hopes that keeping people at home would stop the spread of the novel coronavirus and the outbreak of the COVID-19 respiratory illness that is sweeping through the entire world right now. Governor Baker extended than ban statewide shortly thereafter, and then mandated a statewide “Stay at Home” order.
With everyone, including families and kids, stuck at home, we experimented last week with hosting online classes and workouts via our Facebook Group and the video-conferencing platform Zoom. We learned a lot in the process and we will try to provide classes going forward as follows:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4pm kids all levels, 4:45 pm adults all levels
Zoom classes can be joined with our school meeting ID number or link. Email us for that information as it is important that be kept private, to prevent “zoombombing” (disruption by non-members).
With our online classes we hope to help in several ways:
Regular exercise is especially important for those “cooped up” and not getting their usual level of activity.
Sitting in front of the computer or TV all day will make you stiff and anxious.
A taekwondo workout is good stress relief, and the news these days can really be stressful!
Social isolation can be difficult mentally and physically. Joining in a group activity online can lessen the isolation and help with mental and emotional wellbeing as well as physical health.
Online taekwondo practice will help your skills not to deteriorate while the pandemic is keeping you out of the dojang.
For the first time in the history of the Cambridge dojang, we’re introducing new class times. This is partly to accommodate the changing school-end times for some of the area kids and to allow us to add one more children’s class to the schedule. Adults still have the same number of classes as before, but the start times have shifted by a half-hour.
Pick up your copy of the schedule at the front desk, or bookmark this post to refer to the new schedule:
Please join us on November 30 from noon to 2:00 pm for some winter holiday cheer!
It’s Small Business Saturday in Cambridge and we’re teaming up with our small business neighbors all around Porter Square to offer hot drinks and traditional snacks from noon to 2pm.
Members of the school, family, friends, neighbors, and passerby, please drop in to say hello! We’ll have some giveaways and prizes, too!
We are at 2000 Massachusetts Avenue, downstairs from street level, just two blocks from the Porter Square shopping center (Star Market, Dunkin Donuts, etc).
To celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the founding of Jae H. Kim Taekwondo, Grandmaster Kim brought instructors together from schools in our system from all around the world, including Seattle, Shanghai, and Ireland for a special instructional seminar. On the closing night, a formal gala was held and everyone put on their best!